Engaged research: high impact, high relevance

CEIBA’s research lab focuses on engaged management scholarship, that is research that is grounded in the business reality of doctoral students. Moreover, the research agenda focuses on four areas of excellence.

Either applied or theoretical research projects are among the main activities for all faculty members.

Our professors are engaged in their specific field of research, publish their work and participate in international conferences. Our partnership with companies and academic programs, such as the DBA, contributes to ensuring the relevance and the impact of our research. 


We intend to reinforce the link between the most recent publications and our teaching content to ensure that we bring up to date knowledge to our students.


High-impact Research

Either applied or theoretical research projects are among the main activities for all faculty members.

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Research Lab

The Research lab coordinates the implementation of CEIBA’s research policy. 

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Areas of Excellence

The Research Lab focuses on four areas of excellence. 

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